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Hospital packing list for labor

As you get closer to your wife’s due date, the more exciting it is to think about finally meeting your baby. The closer you get to meeting your baby, the more important it is to pack a hospital bag that will make you more comfortable during labor, and afterwards as well.

When to pack for the hospital

Researchers have found that timing is important when it comes to packing for your hospital bag. However, you do have some flexibility.

Preparedness is preferable if the mother has a high-risk pregnancy and her OB feels she may go to labor early. It is recommended to pack around 35 weeks.

Some mothers may prefer to pack their hospital bags at the beginning of their third trimester. On the other hand, if you want to get a jumpstart, you could start earlier. However, it is up to you when to pack a hospital bag. After 38 weeks, it’s a good idea to have that hospital bag ready to go just in case the baby arrives.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Mom

You may want to assist the mother-to-be with packing. Research the must have items for your list and cross-reference your research with the checklist provided.

  • Nursing Bra – Depending on preference and personal style, some women may prefer to go braless because of frequent nursing, while others may find that a comfortable nursing bra like our nursing sleep bra (no underwires!) is a must.
  • Nursing Pads – Avoid having to do laundry the minute you get home by wearing a nursing pad that prevents leaks.
  • Non-Skid Socks – Bring some pre- and post-labor walking socks that are soft and fuzzy with non-skid features, but if you prefer something more hidden, try short, medical socks with non-skid features as well that you can reuse for postpartum workout classes.
  • Slip-On Flat Shoes – It is important that you wear something that is easy to take on and off.
  • Bathrobe & Clothing – When guests arrive, you need something to wear.
  • Leggings or Joggers –  Please be sure to bring something comfortable and lightweight.
  • Face Wash or Face Wipes – After the delivery of your baby you’d want to wipe the new mom’s perspiration and tears.
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste – When guests arrive, a breath that smells bad isn\’t a great way to greet them.
  • Deodorant – The amount of perspiration as a result of birthing a child would be surprising.
  • Dry Shampoo –  Sometimes, you don’t have easy access to water. This item comes very handy in these situations.
  • Lotion & Lip Balm – When you are focused in the delivery process you might not care so much about your skin and lips. Try not to forget. 
  • Reusable Water Bottle – Depending on the size of the birthing room, you wouldn’t want to leave your empty water bottles cluttering the room.
  • Hair Ties – When it’s time for labor, you’d want your wife’s hair away from her face.
  • Contacts / Glasses – The wait in the birthing room could be a couple hours or more. Unless you plan to sleep till showtime, make sure you are able to watch or read while killing time.
  • Lanolin (Nipple Balm) – If your wife plans to breastfeed, then take into consideration this item. She will thank you for preventing her nipples from being chapped.
  • Pillow – Most likely once you check-in to the hospital a birthing room would be available. Just in case it’s not you’ll be ready.
  • Bath Towel – Hospital towels do not offer the same level of luxury as hotel towels.
  • Bluetooth Speaker – A perfect companion to your phone playing white noise or some Mozart while the baby is in the room.

Hospital Bag Checklist for Baby

It is not obvious what you will need to pack in a hospital bag for baby, but here is the good news, when you are just starting out in life, you don’t need much. 

  • Infant Car Seat – If you plan to drive home from the hospital, they will not let you take your child home without a car seat, and you should have the car seat already installed before your hospital transfer.
  • Pediatrician Contact Info – Please have the following information at the ready for the doctors and nurses so that they can easily access any of your records with the pediatrician’s office.
  • Going Home Outfit – When its time to go home and want some cute photos this is the time.
  • Bottles – If you are planning to bottle-feed from the get-go, pack at least two for the hospital.

Hospital Bag for Dad

Since you might both spend one or two nights in the maternity ward, gather some overnight essentials, plus a few things to keep your partner occupied while they’re in labor. Here are some things to put in your hospital bag.

  • Pillow and Light Blanket – If you would like to use your own instead of what\’s provided by the hospital, it’s important for labor partners to rest during downtimes too.
  • Pajamas & Two Sets of Clothes – Just in case an overnight stay is necessary you are prepared.
  • Toiletries – Similar to the pajamas it’s important to be prepared for an overnight stay.
  • Reusable Water Bottle –  To minimize waste this option is highly recommended.
  • All the Snacks – After birth when your wife is finally able to eat something, she will thank you.  
  • Laptop, Mobile Phone or Tablet – With the potential hours waiting in the birthing room before and after delivery, a multimedia device is a great time killer.
  • Device Chargers – You don’t want to be watching your favorite show and the device runs out of juice.

What items should you not bring with you to the hospital?

Quite frankly, packing for the hospital is not something that has to be done just right. You could probably overdo it when it comes to packing your hospital bag. Here are some things you might not need to bring to the hospital when you’re ready to deliver.

  • Don’t bring expensive and priceless memorable items you’d be afraid to lose. With the hustle and bustle at the hospital things happen.
  • There should be room for one outfit each for the mother and the baby, so please choose one outfit each and leave the rest at home.
  • No need for a bag of diapers, the hospital will provide enough diapers for the time you\’re there.

In this blog post, I have outlined the importance of packing a hospital bag when you are about to meet your baby. Experts recommend packing around 35 weeks, if not more, but it will depend on the delivery time because timing is important. A number of items are attached in the list that focus on the care of your body while at the hospital. It is important to keep your birth plan as well as your insurance card, as well as ID and wallet in your overnight bag. You can’t afford to forget these items! Now download the hospital checklist and prepare for what’s ahead!

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