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Why do babies fight sleep a must know question to answer for new dads.

How many times have you heard a new parent say “I have a new baby, and I’m desperate for sleep.” The answer is as simple as getting the baby to sleep through the night (or at least for a long stretch).

Your child has not slept for several hours, rubbing his or her eyes, fussy and all but simply refuses to sleep. Why do babies fight to sleep? That is a question new dads and moms ask. I asked that myself and thanks to Google, I got my answer that I will share in bite sized bites for you. We’ve all been there.

1. Under-tiredness

Babies need a lot of rest, so it is more common in older babies and toddlers. Sleep should change dramatically within the first 12 months. This may be one of the first signs that it is time to change your schedule. For example, dropping a nap.

2. Over-tiredness

For new dads, this may sound quite the opposite, but over-tiredness is one of the most common reasons to struggle with sleeping. Newborns usually only stay awake for 45 minutes. Hormones like cortisol are released in response to stress, making it even more difficult for babies to settle down.

3. Environmental

Have you ever had trouble sleeping when it was too noisy, too bright, or too hot? Your child is the same. Look for things like extreme temperature, loose threads caught around the little toes and little fingers, or other external factors that can prevent your baby from falling asleep.

4. Separation Anxiety

usually begins as soon as the child gains stability, that is, when he feels that you are there, even if he does not see you. This usually occurs at the age of nine months, but can begin as early as four to five months. You can ease your worries by showing the baby that when you leave you will shortly return.

5. Illness

Stomach pains and runny noses also happen in babies, but the difference is that they have no way of telling you about it, but cry. Babies breathe via their nose, which means that a stuffy nose can make it difficult to breathe. With tools like the Nose Frida (I love this by the way. If you don’t have strong lungs like my wife it might be difficult, but this device is amazing by clearing out the babies mucus and also is easy to clean unlike the suction bulb.) Your baby will thank you with smiles.

6. Personality

Even from birth, toddlers show signs of personality, including chronotype. This genetic trait determines the type of sleeper of the baby. If you have an active baby in your arms, it can be difficult for him or her to fall asleep. Also, if they don’t have enough play time; Likewise, a more sensitive baby may need a few extra kisses and hugs before bedtime.

7. Development

When babies experience a significant growth spurt or are working on developmental skills such as crawling, they temporarily regress in sleep. For some reason, the brain cannot focus on multiple tasks. The good news is that the euphoric rest returns once your child has mastered the development milestones.

8. Teething

Teeth breaking through the gums is bad and often painful. Babies usually have a few rough nights, especially when the tooth is about to burst. Fortunately, there are many ways to soothe sore gums via chilled teething toys to get your teething little one back to bed.

Now that you know why babies fight sleep, Let’s go over a list of actions that worked for me and make an action plan on how to help your baby sleep without resistance.

1. Creating a day and night routine

Once you determine which wake window your child prefers, use this information to plan her schedule accordingly. You may have to play around with it to find what works best. It is often possible to improve their sleep by shortening the time spent in between naps.

2. Establishing a consistent presence.

Separation anxiety can be the reason a baby is unable to fall asleep, but staying close by can help him or her feel secure, so they can rest.

3. Providing comfort.

If your little munchkin is refusing to sleep, please check for signs of illness, teething, room temperature, and any other signs of discomfort.

Most new dads and moms are surprised when their little bundle of joy fights sleep. Typically, toddlers and teenagers are the ones who avoid bedtime like the plague. Fighting sleep is a common phase that babies go in and out of for a variety of reasons. Babies grow and change all the time, so do their sleeping needs!

In order to discern the most likely culprit, play detective and if that doesn’t work, follow these tips and tricks. Learning and establishing sleep routines can go a long way to getting your little one to sleep like a baby!

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